Yay they've fixed the thing

(This stupid website crashed so I couldn't post anything. So glad I have 't lost my stories but unfortunately the comments are gone.) Hi everyone, No more Aussie school for me, unfortunately. Five months just isnā€™t enough, not even close. I feel like everythingā€™s only just started, and now I have to leave. Thatā€™s hardly even fair. This whole exchange experience has been very challenging for me. It truly was an emotional rollercoaster, start to finish. It definitely wasnā€™t always easy, but Iā€™m so glad I did it. The past five months have been the greatest months of my life so far. And Iā€™m so incredibly happy ā€“ happier than Iā€™ve ever been. Iā€™m gonna miss this place a lot. My friends, my second family, and everyone in between. We had a slumber party on Monday. All of my friends were there and it was awesome. They made me a photo album and wrote me nice little messages. How sweet is that?! I love it so much, it's the cutest thing ever. And they all kept saying how much they're gonna miss me and how glad they are to have met me. It's a miracle I didn't start crying. And I just got the cutest email ever from a friend. Too bad we didnā€™t get to talk much, but heā€™s one of the few friends who does have Facebook so lucky me. In case you were wondering: Yes, I am crying right now. Iā€™m sure youā€™re all wondering what winter is like Down Under. Well, the answer is rain. Lots and lots of rain. Gotta love South Gippsland. Itā€™s not that cold, though. And by ā€˜not that coldā€™ I mean not that cold considering the fact that it's winter. I personally define ā€˜freezingā€™ as below 0, not 13 degrees in the middle of winter. They need to get their priorities straight. Snakes? Meh, theyā€™re not that bad. Spiders? Nah, they wonā€™t hurt you. Below 20 degrees? Holy shit, weā€™re all gonna DIE. No, calm down. Suck it up, you'll be fine. Your precious sun isn't gonna explode any time soon. Iā€™m catching the bus to Melbourne tomorrow to do some souvenir shopping. My parents and brother will be there on Friday, so Iā€™ll be staying at a friendā€™s house until then. The High School Program officially ended last week, meaning I technically donā€™t have a host family anymore. BUT, my awesome host parents are kind enough to let me stay for a few more days, so Iā€™m really grateful for that and it also means I donā€™t have to say goodbye to my queen sized bed yet. Yay. Letā€™s do some shout outs. To Annette and Andy for letting me stay a bit longer, to my parents for letting me go on exchange. Itā€™s been amazing. Thanks, mum and dad, I love you. And to my aunt for commenting on my blog pretty much every time I post something. Yay, people are so nice. Oh, and my closest friends. For putting up with my shit and being amazing. I seriously don't get how you're not sick of me yet. Thank you. Iā€™ve learnt so much in the past couple of months. I feel like Iā€™m a better person. Iā€™ve been trying really hard to just be nice and positive and I feel like itā€™s finally working. Most of the time, that is. If anything, I want to be remembered as nice. When someone mentions my name, Iā€™d like people to think ā€œOh, I remember her. Nice girl.ā€ I hope Iā€™ve been nice to everyone. Everyoneā€™s been so incredibly nice to me, and so unbelievably patient. Thank you for being a part of this adventure. Iā€™ll make sure to keep you updated on my life while Iā€™m still in this beautiful country. So glad I donā€™t have to go back just yet. Five more weeks. Five more great weeks full of adventures and happy memories. Iā€™m so lucky to be there. I canā€™t believe how lucky I am. And I canā€™t believe how lucky I am to have great friends and family waiting for me to come back. I am so damn lucky. Itā€™s gonna be a short one this time. Iā€™m so happy, all I can think of is my sweet friends and family and how much I appreciate the things theyā€™ve done for me. I just canā€™t thank you enough. Have a great day with nothing but happiness, Laura




The temptation not to do it is too big: make sure you get to gate F

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