
Hi everyone,

I’ve seen more of the Eurovision than the past 18 years combined. It’s the time of the year when Australians curse themselves for not being European. They want to be part of it so bad, it almost makes me feel sorry for them. Though there is such a thing as overdoing it. I am ashamed of myself. I am ashamed because I watched a two hour long documentary on the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ the other day. And that is not all. Oh no, I also watched a few hours on the History of Eurovision. Yes, that’s right, on Australian television. And then the event itself. Did they really move Australia to Europe? Really? Then there was the worst representation of Australia ever, with every possible stereotype. They want to participate so bad that they sent an Australian singer to a European contest. I’ll bet they cried a little when they said she couldn’t actually be a contester. I don’t get why they want to compete, though. There’s something really embarrassing about an annual karaoke contest to sort out all the political issues. It’s all fun and games until every country has to vote and give out points. Who’s gonna betray whom this year? France and the UK gave each other zero points? Oh no, let’s barricade the Channel Tunnel. But all jokes aside, it’s not the EU that brings us together, it’s Eurovision. The only contest where people go “Meh, wasn’t weird enough this year” and others understand. It’s the best and worst thing to have ever happened to Europe. Austria, though. You go, Conchita Wurst. A gender neutral person winning Eurovision? Good, we’re actually moving forward. Also, I like how everyone speaks English just to be nice, and then there’s France. France doesn’t give a fuck.

When I’m back, please don’t mention the fact that I wrote an entire paragraph on Eurovision, thanks. I’m starting to realise more and more how much I enjoy writing. I know I’m not good at it, what I write doesn’t make any sense and it’s pretty much just unconnected rants about whatever is on my mind but that won’t stop me from doing what I like doing. Sure, I most probably won’t earn any money by writing about stupid shit no one cares about but it’s important to me, and no one can take that away from me. It’s so much fun. Words are so much fun. Plus, you don’t actually have to face stupid people, you can just call them out on their bullshit from a distance, through text. The only problem with that is that the stupid people never actually realise you’re talking about them because they’re... well… stupid. Off topic: Kiana wrote an amazing creative piece for her English SAC. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about what the hell I want to do with my life after graduating high school. Do I want to stay in the country? Probably not. England sounds pretty good to me, but there’s no way in hell I can afford that. Do I want to go to university? I think I do..? So far one of my favourites is East Anglia and their English Literature and Creative Writing study. The thing with me, though, is that I need some kind of motivation, otherwise my final two years of high school won’t be any good. I don’t particularly want to fail, and graduate at 21. Nope, 20 is bad enough. Leaving school is not an option, as I promised my parents to finish it. Don’t get me wrong, I will, but I do need a goal. I know, I shouldn’t worry about this right now. But I’d rather worry about it now than make the wrong decision later on. Makes sense, right?

Anyway, school was pretty fun today. We made plans to go to Melbourne in a week or two. Also, Literature. Love that class so much. Discussing good books, films on said books, and an amazing teacher who loves books just as much as me. He’s my favourite teacher, I think he’s great. Right now it’s the Great Gatsby in Literature and Macbeth in English so I’m a happy foreigner. Did hear quite a few homophobic comments today, though, which made me want to high five a few people. In the face. With a chair. Long story short, we got into an argument and I may or may not have given a five minute speech on love and acceptance. Other than that, today was a good day. Except for the fact that I lost one of my dice. Why? I’m a decent person, I don’t deserve this. It actually really upsets me, as weird as that sounds. It’s just not something that can be replaced that easily. Of course there’s a story behind that, people don’t just get emotionally attached to dice. Next subject, I got 5 emails at once and I got really excited until I realised they were all from school. Yes, Dutch school. Why are they so obsessed with me? I will come back. Don’t remind me that I have to go back. Jeez.

Hard to tell, but I’m actually writing this with a smile on my face cause I just got one of those ‘Holy shit, I’m in Australia’ kind of moments. Gotta love those moments. Talked to my parents on Sunday and realised how terrible my Dutch has become. Whoops. And there was something else I wanted to share but I forgot. Ah well, happens. Now I’m gonna go sleep and dream of reuniting with that one die I lost today.

Have an awesome day and don’t let anything or anyone get you down, just be your awesome self and show that awesome smile of yours or a middle finger if needed,



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