
Hi everyone,

Procrastination. That word pretty much sums me up right now. I should be doing homework. I’ve been doing homework all day and I just can’t be bothered anymore. I have so much to do that I’ll be wasting my last few months trying to get it all done. Give me a break, I’m foreign. Literally the only reason why I still actually do most of it is because I don’t want my teachers to hate me. Why do I care? I wouldn’t know, they won’t even remember me in a few months. I’m torn between not giving a damn and caring way too much. What do I do? Do I focus on having fun and the actual experience of being in an awesome country without worrying about homework or do I follow the rules, be a good student and make everyone happy but myself? Legitimate question, so please do tell me what you would do.

I’m still enjoying school, though. Not including the homework part, that is. Yes, I’m still in the same group of girls but I’m enjoying myself quite a lot. They also genuinely seem to like me, which is always greatly appreciated. I reckon it just took me a while to get used to them. Even though we have different interests and even though they don’t like/haven’t seen the Lord of the Rings (I know, don’t even get me started), we get along just fine. I’m glad I gave them another chance and never stopped hanging out with them. Now that I think about it, I’ve known my friends back home for about 4 years now and I didn’t become friends with most of them until the second or third year. So it turned out pretty well in retrospect. We went to an art gallery the other day with the Studio Art class and I had an absolute blast. Art galleries are always fun, but the company definitely made it better.

People have been complaining that I haven’t written anything in quite a while but I have? I just didn’t post it on Facebook, but I will this time just for those people. I hope you’re happy now. Anyway, my nail polish is chipping and it’s bothering me. No one ever told me you can get emotionally attached to nail polish. I feel stupid now. The day is almost over and I barely did anything. I did do homework (still nowhere near done), cleaned our bathroom and I tried downloading Guild Wars 2 onto my school laptop this morning but failed. Why? Because I’m not ‘privileged’ to download anything fun on this thing. That video game could’ve been my one and only talent but now I won’t ever find out because of this. So upsetting. I should sue everyone involved in this. But that would cost me money and I’m kinda broke. The laptops really are terrible, though. Mine’s already crashed about 3 times, causing me to lose essays that took me hours to write. It’s a private school, the least they can do is give us decent laptops (also, no restrictions and filters).

I’ve wasted pretty much my entire day on homework and I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown. I’m just so done with everything right now. So I’m gonna try and get some sleep and hopefully the person I want to talk to will be there when I wake up. Wait, no. Ignore that, let’s be selfless for once. Whatever I feel like.

Enjoy your day,



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