
Hi everyone,

It’s been ages, I know. I just didn’t necessarily feel like socialising with my fellow earthlings. I did spend quite a lot of time with the cats, though. I’m doing great right now. Just because I don’t talk much, does not mean I’m unhappy. Every now and then I just need time to myself, focus on my thoughts and decide whether or not they’re worth thinking about. So please don’t for a second think I’m unhappy. If anything, it can’t get much better than this. Being here is amazing. Sometimes I just look at a tree and be like “Holy shit, I’m looking at an Australian tree right now. It’s so pretty. This is so cool.” I’m not even kidding. It’s sad, really. I feel like a little kid again. I get up early every single day and I get excited over the most ordinary things. Guess I’m finally acting my height.

We went to Sydney a few weeks ago, which was awesome. I enjoyed it a lot. The harbour is pretty impressive, the city itself not so much. Andy and I walked up the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the view was amazing. On the ferry, there were a few people speaking Dutch and I was really surprised because I could understand them. Genuinely surprised. It took me way too long to realise that Dutch is, in fact, my first language. By the way, have you guys noticed that I posted some photos of the trip on this blog? Anyway, we went back to the Prom last week. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that place. Photos will be up soon. Oh, and after the Prom we went to a Glen Hansard concert. So cool. He's amazing. And we actually met him after the show.

Also, school is more fun. I’m starting to tolerate the group I’m in and I’m talking more. And by talking I mean making sarcastic remarks. Being myself completely around them isn’t gonna happen, so I might as well confuse the shit out of them. Cause let’s be honest here, no one is gonna be able to handle the stuff I do and/or say on a regular basis. They won’t accept it, it’s that easy. The friends I have at home are just special, in the nicest way possible. Thanks for putting up with my shit, guys.

Even though I haven't written anything in weeks, I still don't know what to write about. How does that even happen? Okay, let me just tell you something then. There are times when I think about all the things I'm missing out on. The upcoming Muzada, for example. Oh, I wish I could be there. It's always so much fun just seeing everyone enjoy themselves and have a good time. That's what I like. Seeing my friends laugh and be happy, and actually be a part of it. I did realise something, though. It's not me who's missing out on anything. It's you. You are all missing out on the things I do here. I get to live with wonderful, fun people and I get to see amazing things every day. I've seen places you dream about at night.

Look at me being all positive and shit. And now I don't know what to write again. How does that even work? There's so much happening that I don't even know how to put it into words. I don't care what you say, I'm on a 6 month holiday. This must be so boring to read, I can't even imagine. It really feels like this is my new life and that I'm never coming back. But I will be back in a few months. So weird to think about. I'm not even sure what to think of that. Better have fun and enjoy my time while it lasts.

So how are you all doing? Enjoying your classes? If not, you should. School changed me. My hair was down for the majority of the day. Yes, I know what you're thinking. But what can I say, I'm a rebel. Ah man, this is sad. That's pretty much as bad as it's gonna get. And, you know, smoking pot on school campus. You get expelled for that. Yep, that's right. God doesn't like weed.

That's it for today. Read: I'm giving up. I wish I could write properly. That would be awesome. Ah well, I've got other talents. Can't think of any right now, but I'm sure I have at least one.

Bye everyone, enjoy your day. Enjoy your weekend. I hope you find 20 bucks on the ground.



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