
Hello humans,

Life is all fun and games until you reread your old blog posts. Not fun. Definitely not fun. Turns out I was just really tired. I’m feeling a lot better now. My apologies to those I have talked to in the past couple of days. Note to self: Sleep more, you idiot.

Friday’s assembly was fun. Once a fortnight. Great. Well, at least I got a senior badge. No idea what for, but I reckon I can sell it on eBay. And by that, I obviously mean keeping it as a memory. Assembly wasn’t that bad, though. I basically made fun of the entire thing with the guy sitting next to me. His name is Tom. He seems nice, I like him. He’s one of the nicest students I’ve met so far. He’s in my homeroom. He and Halen are pretty much the only people who’re trying to get to know me, which is appreciated. Cause, you know, my country doesn’t define who I am as a person. I know, shocking, right? There’s more to me than clogs and cheese.

Today we went to the family reunion. It was Annette’s side of the family, so it was very Italian. I’ve never felt so tall. I’m not even kidding. Even without the heels I would’ve felt tall. Yes, I bought heels for the occasion. Only $10, so you can all be jealous. So yeah, I wore those, and the dress I bought last week. Was it last week? I can’t remember. Anyway, back to the subject. Annette’s family is really nice, but the whole thing wasn’t really my cup of tea. But hey, at least I looked presentable. That, and the food was good. Oh, and Andy gave us wine to make it through the afternoon. Thanks, Andy. Good parenting.

I had a lovely video chat with a friend yesterday. It was really nice, it was good to hear his voice again and see him act like an idiot. As usual. I sure enjoyed myself. So thanks lovely, you’re awesome.

It’s that time of the year again, huh? Carnival. Getting drunk and dressing up, not necessarily in that order. And you don’t even have to go to school this week. What a time to be alive. Just try not to die and don’t do anything that puts you in jail. Jail isn’t fun. Jail doesn’t have Wi-Fi. Not worth it, guys.

I’m not gonna Skype my parents this weekend, which makes me feel like the worst daughter ever. But I don’t need to talk to them every week, right? Right?! The face that I feel the need to explain myself is just plain stupid. This also means I haven’t spoken Dutch all week. That’s the good life, right there. Some guy made fun of me for not liking Dutch. Apparently you’re not allowed to dislike your own language.

Life’s great over here. It really does feel like this is my home. Time goes by way too quickly. A lot can happen in just a few weeks. It’s good. More than good. I chose wisely. It was definitely worth the sleepless nights.

I hope you’re all doing well. Have fun this week. Make it a good one. Do remarkable things. If possible, not while drunk. But it’s your life, so don’t mind me.

Bye guys,



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