
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update. I went hiking the other day and I may or may not have skipped school. I normally don’t go with strangers but when I do, I try not to get murdered. Annette trusted her, though, so it’s all good. No axes or knives involved, just a car and a snake bite kit.

That park is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. It’s called the Prom. Or well, it’s actually called Wilsons Promontory, but Australians are seemingly unable to pronounce full names. My theory is that they don’t want to make their sentences too long, because then they might forget to throw in a few swear words. Just for the hell of it. Never ask them to explain anything if you don’t like swearing. Don’t ever let them describe people they don’t like. If you don’t mind swearing, go right ahead, it’s fun.

Speaking of things that are fun. If you ever go to an English-speaking country, make them pronounce Dutch words. Words such as ‘gefeliciteerd’ or ‘afstandsbediening’ are highly recommended.

Anyway, back to the subject. The park is amazing. Everything is green. Everything but the trees. They are still black from the fires, and not even the recent ones. We saw a kookaburra, a few parrots and even wallabies. I have to go back there some day. It was so nice and we didn’t even go to the beach. I’m definitely bringing my camera next time, even though I know the photos won’t ever be as incredible as seeing it with your own eyes. And besides, the photos won’t even have the lovely scent of eucalyptus trees. Disappointing.

In other news, I do feel like I’m changing, both mentally and physically. And with 5 more months left, who knows what I’ll be like when I get back. The past 4 weeks have made me see the value of friendship. How important it is to stay in touch with people, and just how much you can miss someone even though you still get to talk to them every single day. It’s strange how someone’s physical absence can make such a difference.

And let me tell you, I would change it if I could. It’s all part of the experience, I get that. But it also makes me feel like the most clingy and needy person to ever walk this earth. How to lose a friend in just a few easy steps. 1) Rant. Ranting is probably the quickest way to annoy and/or bother your victim. 2) Only talk about yourself, drown in self-pity. 3) Make them feel guilty for being on the other side of the damn planet. 4) Get upset and/or jealous when they don’t talk to you for 2 seconds, or when they mention hanging out with other people. 5) Don’t believe them when they tell you they miss and/or love you. (Also, I'm one of those horrible people that needs the constant reassurance that they do, indeed, feel that way). 6) Tell them you love/miss them so often that it doesn’t even sound like the truth anymore. 7) Complain, a lot. 8) Basically, talk about your own pathetic feelings and completely ignore theirs.

Life tip: Don’t do any of it. Just don’t. You will regret it, which only causes you to rant even more. Never-ending circle, right there. It’s just not worth it.

Well, that was fun.

Sleep well, enjoy your day, smile, and give your boss or teachers a hard time,



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