My ego isn't that big

Hi everyone,

It’s official; I need to start hanging out with the guys more. I’ve met more people today – all girls – and I realised we just don’t share the same interests. Besides, I feel like a 12 year old. People kept introducing me to others, saying ‘Oh yeah, she finds it a bit difficult to find friends.’ Thanks for making me sound pathetic, guys. News flash: I’m not entirely antisocial. Not my fault people don’t want to talk to me. It’s their loss, really. They probably feel intimidated by my dashing personality. Meh, can’t say I blame them.

A few people asked me what school here is like. I’d say it’s similar to hugging a cactus. Nah, it’s actually quite nice. The level is a bit lower, as I’ve told you before. I don’t mind that one bit. The answers to the homework questions are literally in the text. You don’t need to know any background information, it’s great. The teachers are pretty relaxed, which is awesome. I really like my English/Literature teacher and my History teacher is pretty cool as well. He definitely makes the subject more enjoyable.

We normally leave the house around 8:30 am to catch the bus. Pretty weird, considering it’s only 3.5k away. But hills. Hills aren’t fun. I will try and cycle to school one day. But today is not that day. The first bell rings around 8:55 am. It’s the most annoying school bell in the history of annoying school bells. We then go to Homeroom. That’s basically like the lovely weekly hour we Dutch people know as ‘Begeleidingsuur’. But instead of one hour a week, it’s about 10 minutes each day. 5 mins before the 1st period, and 5 minutes after 5th period.

One period here is 60 minutes. Yes, really. It’s not that bad, though, considering there are only 5 periods a day. There’s a 10 day timetable, which can be confusing at times. I keep forgetting whether it’s week 1 or 2. Two periods, then recess till 11:30 am, then another two periods, lunch till 2:15 pm, and the last period. No one really cares when you come in late. I got lost a couple of times in the first week. You can’t blame me, there are too many buildings. So unnecessary. But I don’t get lost anymore now. Go me.

The subjects I have include: English, History, Legal Studies (Aussie ‘Maatschappijleer’), Literature, Geography, Studio Art and Religion (It’s like Levo, but not as fun). In retrospect, I should’ve chosen Psychology. Too late now, unfortunately.

The one thing I should do more is write in my notebook. I haven’t written anything in days. Not the smartest idea, since there are so many things happening that I can’t remember even half of it. Sure, I write the main things on this blog, but I try not to mention any names and details. Simply because I don’t feel comfortable with you knowing everything about me. Many people tell me that they feel like they’re getting to know me better by reading my posts. I do have to admit that’s one of the reasons why I signed up for this blog thing. Sure, it makes me feel extremely vulnerable, but I did say I wanted to change. This is just another step to achieving that. This is me being open, instead of putting up walls.

And that’s basically it for today. The feeling I mentioned last time about missing people is pretty much gone now. I mean, I still miss them, but not as much. Of course, there’s always an exception. Not fun. If I could, I’d write and send a letter every day. It’s still better than I’d imagined it to be, though. I’m not so afraid of people leaving me anymore. Things won’t change that much.

Oh, change of plans. I may have found someone to hang out with. Her name is Georgie and she’s actually the first student from school I met. I can’t believe that was only 3 weeks ago, it feels like ages. She already seemed lovely back then. We don’t have any classes together, which is why we never hung out before. I’m looking forward to talking to her more.

Today was a really good day for multiple reasons. Enjoy your day at school or elsewhere.

Have fun,



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