
Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed, I’ve been gone for 3 weeks now. Right now, I’m up to the point where I’m starting to miss more people than just one. It’s strange. A part of me feels bad that it took me three weeks, but I reckon I’ve never been one to miss people that easily. I’m alright, though. I can handle it, it’s nothing too bad.

School’s still the same. I don’t mind going at all. It’s only 5 periods a day anyway. I have yet to find someone I can be myself with. But I will, eventually. Might take me a while, but that’s okay.

In general, life’s pretty great. We saw a koala and a snake the other day. I’ve been told they’re kinda boring and stupid, but I’m still in my ‘koalas are cool’ phase. Mainly because we’ve got nothing in the Netherlands. Well, we’ve got squirrels. People here freak out when I tell them that. Nah, no idea why. Australians are weird. No offence. It’s a good weird. Most of the time.

I talked to my parents and brother yesterday evening, which was nice. I liked it. My brother is an idiot, it’s great. They told me my accent is changing. Not if you ask me, though. I reckon it’s still the same. After that, I should’ve gone to sleep but I didn’t. It took me quite a while. Not even completely my fault. Okay, maybe it was, but still. As a result, getting up was way more difficult than it should’ve been. But I didn’t fall asleep in class. Go me. I’m a good student.

Today I found out that I’m so indecisive it’s annoying. Good thing I brought a die with me. How convenient. No life changing decisions were made, though. As far as I know, that is. Speaking of life changing decisions, I’m not even allowed to get married here. Yeah, I know, I don’t get it either. Like, really? Come on, guys. I may be a teenager, but I haven’t completely lost my ability to think.

Kiana just painted my toe nails. Yeah, that’s right. They’re pink now. Girl stuff is dumb. It takes forever to dry. Jeez. Anyway, she’s gonna give me a makeover. Fun. I’m okay with it, though. Change is good. And I definitely need it. She knows what she’s talking about, so I’ll just let her. Now I’m sure I won’t be the same person when I get back. At least not in that aspect. I reckon it’s just something I need to get used to. It’s all part of the experience. Go big or go home.

I finally found a spot for the ‘Moments’ thing I got from a friend for my birthday (thanks again, Kim). Took me long enough. Pretty much every card I got for my birthday and departure is on there. I like it, it looks nice. It’s a good feeling, knowing that people think of me. I might send a few cards myself. No promises, though.

You know, I’m still not fully aware of the fact that I’m in Australia. Sometimes I listen to people speak and wonder why they talk in English. Also, it took me a week to remember the Dutch word for ‘steering wheel’. I wish I was kidding. It’s only been three weeks. Imagine what it’ll be like 6 months from now.

How are you all doing? I know I don’t really talk to any of you. But I really want to thank you again. For supporting me, catching me if I fall, letting me know you won’t forget about me. I just don’t know what to say. Many words die on the tongue. All I can say is that I appreciate it. You don’t even know.

Remember, you can do unbelievable things if you believe. The sky is the limit? Let me tell you, it’s not. Turn your dreams into plans. Show them what you’re made of. Make a difference.

Enjoy your day,



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