
Hi everyone,

I've made it through the first week of school. Sure, my uniform looks like a tea towel and it makes me look approximately 5 years old, but it's comfy. Also, I no longer have to try on 4 different outfits every morning, only to end up wearing something two sizes too big on me because it feels safe. Uniforms aren't that bad.

The teachers are really nice and so are the students. I reckon Studio Art is gonna be really cool, although Art just won't be the same without my old class. Ah well, it's still Art. It's gonna be fun either way. Anyway, the levels are a bit lower than I'm used to, which is great. Working under pressure isn't really my thing.

In other news, I need to find myself a different group of people to hang out with. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're really nice. Just not the kind of people I normally hang out with. They probably think I'm this shy, insecure kid. I'm not talkative at all here. I mostly observe and keep a low profile. Might change, might stay the same. Who knows, I can't see the future. But I'd really like to find a friend while I'm here. Someone who can actually get to know me, unlike this group.

One of the things I've learnt is that things never turn out the way you planned. There's always someone who doesn't follow the script, or something that makes you change your mind. Either way, you have to deal with the new situation. Experiences, whether good or bad, are still experiences. The only thing that might differ is how if makes you feel. It's okay to feel things. It doesn't make you weak and it doesn't define who you are as a person. Never forget that.

Failures and disappointments are never fun. However, what matters is how you deal with a certain situation. You either run away from it or you learn from it. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is a lot better than not doing anything.

So many things have happened in the past week, I don't even know what to write. I've come to realise that cockatoos are pretty damn loud. They usually wake me up in the morning. In general, Australian animals are extremely stupid. Road kill is a huge thing here. Dead wombats, snakes, koalas, you name it. Before you ask: No, I don't have any pictures. The only living creatures I've seen are cockatoos and parrots. The heat isn't really helping much either. Good thing I've got plenty of time left.

Today isn't the greatest day ever. I wouldn't say I'm homesick, though. According to Google, the definition of homesick is: "Experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it." It's not exactly like that, it's something else. Something I don't really feel like explaining. Then why mention it, you ask? Because I strongly believe honesty is the best policy. And besides, it's my blog and I'm not gonna mention every single detail. You don't have to understand. Mum, Dad, don't worry. I'm talking to someone about it, I swear. I'll feel better in the morning.

Thanks for the comments, they're very much appreciated. Even the unnecessary ones. Feel free to comment anything you want. Whatever makes you happy.

Enjoy your day,



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