Last day home

Hi everyone,

I've been told I'm leaving tomorrow. They must be lying. This can't be my last day. But it is. I feel like I'm going on a 2-week holiday. Nothing major. Bags are packed and I'm ready to go. I reckon tomorrow is gonna be pretty difficult. It's all worth it, though. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. I'm so glad my best friend is coming to the airport with us. Poor kid has to deal with my parents on their way back home. One moment of silence for him, please.

There are so many things going through my head right now. Before you ask: no, none of them make any sense. I'm a thinker, not a talker. And I need to write things down in order to keep my brain from ending up like a trainwreck. It's up to you to figure out whether or not that's a good thing.

I don't want to be just another sheep, mindlessly following the herd. Everybody makes their comments and everybody says their piece. If you look at yourself and how you want to be, you can alter your image. No one else can change who you are if you don't want them to. The new world is yours and only yours, no one can make or break it for you but yourself. If you march in the way of society then you will always conform to what you think is necessary for the situation at hand. If you are to make your own way and pave your own destiny then you are to first and foremost be who you are whenever you are around anybody; who is around should never be a defining factor in how you act.

When you start to fall in line and out of sync with yourself is when you have the feeling of being lost. This feeling is understandable but easily treatable, simple rational thought "Why am I with these people if they don't really know me?" Exactly! Why are you? If anyone tries to stifle you, then quite simply, they don't deserve to know you.

No, I have no idea where that came from. Guess the ranting isn't quite over yet. All I'm trying to say is that everyone should be accepted for who they are, not how they dress or act towards you. Life is great and so are you. Surround yourself with people who make you feel worthy, people who treat you like the wonderful person you are. Where is this even going? Don't answer that, I don't even know myself. Let's leave it at this.

See you in 6 months,



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