
Hi everyone,

I've made it through the first week of school. Sure, my uniform looks like a tea towel and it makes me look approximately 5 years old, but it's comfy. Also, I no longer have to try on 4 different outfits every morning, only to end up wearing something two sizes too big on me because it feels safe. Uniforms aren't that bad.

The teachers are really nice and so are the students. I reckon Studio Art is gonna be really cool, although Art just won't be the same without my old class. Ah well, it's still Art. It's gonna be fun either way. Anyway, the levels are a bit lower than I'm used to, which is great. Working under pressure isn't really my thing.

In other news, I need to find myself a different group of people to hang out with. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're really nice. Just not the kind of people I normally hang out with. They probably think I'm this shy, insecure kid. I'm not talkative at all here. I mostly observe and keep a low profile. Might change, might stay the same. Who knows, I can't see the future. But I'd really like to find a friend while I'm here. Someone who can actually get to know me, unlike this group.

One of the things I've learnt is that things never turn out the way you planned. There's always someone who doesn't follow the script, or something that makes you change your mind. Either way, you have to deal with the new situation. Experiences, whether good or bad, are still experiences. The only thing that might differ is how if makes you feel. It's okay to feel things. It doesn't make you weak and it doesn't define who you are as a person. Never forget that.

Failures and disappointments are never fun. However, what matters is how you deal with a certain situation. You either run away from it or you learn from it. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is a lot better than not doing anything.

So many things have happened in the past week, I don't even know what to write. I've come to realise that cockatoos are pretty damn loud. They usually wake me up in the morning. In general, Australian animals are extremely stupid. Road kill is a huge thing here. Dead wombats, snakes, koalas, you name it. Before you ask: No, I don't have any pictures. The only living creatures I've seen are cockatoos and parrots. The heat isn't really helping much either. Good thing I've got plenty of time left.

Today isn't the greatest day ever. I wouldn't say I'm homesick, though. According to Google, the definition of homesick is: "Experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it." It's not exactly like that, it's something else. Something I don't really feel like explaining. Then why mention it, you ask? Because I strongly believe honesty is the best policy. And besides, it's my blog and I'm not gonna mention every single detail. You don't have to understand. Mum, Dad, don't worry. I'm talking to someone about it, I swear. I'll feel better in the morning.

Thanks for the comments, they're very much appreciated. Even the unnecessary ones. Feel free to comment anything you want. Whatever makes you happy.

Enjoy your day,


Victoria - The Place To Be

Hi everyone,

Long time no see. How are you all doing? School's probably as enjoyable as ever, isn't it? I reckon it is. With no changes whatsoever and no interesting gossips. Not that I care much for gossips. Anyway, you get the point.

I'd like to let you know my plane didn't crash. Too bad, huh? No, it's not. Be nice. Saying goodbye to everyone at the airport wasn't nearly as bad as I initially thought. I gave everyone lots of hugs and kisses, told them I loved them, hugged them some more, then left. Mum, Dad, Paul; thanks for being there. And Rick; thanks to you, too. I really appreciated you being there.

Flying is boring, though. The only thing you can do is watch movies, sleep, and be bored for hours and hours. We almost missed our Dubai-Perth flight. Don't blame us, Dubai airport is confusing as hell! We had to run to catch our plane, causing me to feel 5 kilos lighter by the time we were done. But we made it.

Next stop: Perth. Perth was fun. We just couldn't believe we were in Australia. We went outside for a bit and I was completely blown away by everything. It just didn't feel real. I mean, Australia? Really? When did that happen? I realised I was no longer in the same environment I'd lived in for 18 years straight.

I had to say goodbye to both Michelle and Yannick in Sydney. So I had to wait all by myself for a few hours. It was early in the morning, meaning I could talk some to my friends online. I got something to eat and searched for the right gate. Off to Melbourne.

When I finally arrived, Annette waited for me at the gate. We then met up with Andy and waited for Kiana to arrive. After she arrived, we drove around Melbourme for a bit. It was weird, though. So different, but unbelievably beautiful. Everything is so dry, the grass isn't even green. We went to get some lunch, then headed home.

Home is such a lovely place. There's art everywhere and everything just looks really nice. Huge thanks to Annette and Andy for making me feel right at home. Though Scooter the cat was afraid of me for a while. Probably because I'm intimidating. By being so close to the ground and talking funny and all. But it's slowly adjusting to me now.

I should be asleep right now. I'll go right after I've finished this thing. It's not even that much of a rant. Shocking. Anyway, back to the subject. Waking up in a different bed, a different house and a different country is really weird. It's Friday night at the moment and it still doesn't feel real. I'm in Australia. Better believe it.

The beaches are so pretty. I definitely chose the right country. The people are so nice as well. So relaxed. Not like they are at home. We went swimming yesterday. That's even funnier because it's winter for most of you. And it's around 30-35 degrees during the day here. Jealous much?

Today we went to the school. Chose our subjects and tried on uniforms. Monday's gonna be interesting. Looks like a nice enough school, though. Friendly teachers and students.

Let's go to sleep. Yes, great idea. I'll talk to you guys later. Or not.



Last day home

Hi everyone,

I've been told I'm leaving tomorrow. They must be lying. This can't be my last day. But it is. I feel like I'm going on a 2-week holiday. Nothing major. Bags are packed and I'm ready to go. I reckon tomorrow is gonna be pretty difficult. It's all worth it, though. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. I'm so glad my best friend is coming to the airport with us. Poor kid has to deal with my parents on their way back home. One moment of silence for him, please.

There are so many things going through my head right now. Before you ask: no, none of them make any sense. I'm a thinker, not a talker. And I need to write things down in order to keep my brain from ending up like a trainwreck. It's up to you to figure out whether or not that's a good thing.

I don't want to be just another sheep, mindlessly following the herd. Everybody makes their comments and everybody says their piece. If you look at yourself and how you want to be, you can alter your image. No one else can change who you are if you don't want them to. The new world is yours and only yours, no one can make or break it for you but yourself. If you march in the way of society then you will always conform to what you think is necessary for the situation at hand. If you are to make your own way and pave your own destiny then you are to first and foremost be who you are whenever you are around anybody; who is around should never be a defining factor in how you act.

When you start to fall in line and out of sync with yourself is when you have the feeling of being lost. This feeling is understandable but easily treatable, simple rational thought "Why am I with these people if they don't really know me?" Exactly! Why are you? If anyone tries to stifle you, then quite simply, they don't deserve to know you.

No, I have no idea where that came from. Guess the ranting isn't quite over yet. All I'm trying to say is that everyone should be accepted for who they are, not how they dress or act towards you. Life is great and so are you. Surround yourself with people who make you feel worthy, people who treat you like the wonderful person you are. Where is this even going? Don't answer that, I don't even know myself. Let's leave it at this.

See you in 6 months,


Ranting 101

Hi everyone,

It's Thursday evening. I don't quite know what to write. All I can think of is how awesome my time in Australia is going to be. I'm leaving this Sunday. Yes, it's actually happening. I barely even realise it myself. It just feels so unreal. It feels like I'm living in this parallel universe, where every dream feels like reality. But what is reality? I only know that this very moment does not feel like reality. At all.

It's been over a year. My parents and I have been trying to make this happen for over a year now. It's not "only 5 more months" anymore. It's only 4 days away. And it couldn't feel more unrealistic. I'll probably wake up in a few hours and realise it was all just some strange, but amazing dream. But hey, guess what? It's not a dream. I've got the plane tickets to prove it.

To be totally honest, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. I've cried, I've screamed and I've been extremely close to throwing it all away. Because why would I want to leave behind such a great brother, amazing parents, and wonderful friends? It's not easy, but I need to do this. It's my dream. I feel like there's so much more in this world. I don't want to be stuck in the same place all my life. That's what it feels like now. I'm stuck. Don't get me wrong, I've got a great life. I just want to experience something completely different. Different family, different town, different school and different friends. And it's going to be amazing.

Sure, there are times when I'm not sure whether I'm doing the right thing. What if my friends don't longer like me when I get back? Am I throwing everything away by leaving? Cause there are some people I just can't afford losing. And I worry about that. I worry about it a lot. But why? Why would I waste my precious time and energy by worrying about things I can't control? It doesn't make any sense. Yet I still do it.

A friend once told me "Worries are for later." Probably the best advice I've ever been told. He's absolutely right. I admire his seemingly carefree lifestyle. The thing is, though, it's not carefree. He's got worries on his own. He just simply refuses to let those worries get him down. If I worry about something, I'll think about it for the next 4 years. This is why I want to leave so badly. I want to become a different person. A better person. And I will make that happen. Watch me.

All in all, this is one of the best decisions I've ever made. A lot can happen in 6 months and I'm gonna make them count. There will be laughs, there will be tears. There will be grey clouds, but also lots and lots of sunshine.

So long,


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